Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Key West or Bust!

Well the honeymoon is over, but my tan still remains! I also am happy to report I did indeed survive all the flying in airplanes that I did for the first time! It was definitely an experience to remember. I swear the city of Miami at night looked like it went on forever and ever! I don't know how anyone would know their way around a town of that size?! Thank goodness we just had to connect in Miami, seemed daunting to navigate.

We spent an entire wonderful and relaxing week in Key West, Florida at the Sheraton Suites across from Smathers Beach. The weather, locals, and drinks were great all week long. It was perfect timing to getaway from the cold and snow in Wisconsin and to lay on the beach in 80 degree weather. I continue to fall more and more in love with DH daily and really loved our romantic getaway to celebrate each other and our love. I'm also very happy we waited for 3 mths after the wedding to go on our honeymoon. Gave us something to look forward to and also stretched my great wedding memories out further in the year. We would love to return to Key West but are now eager to explore other corners of the USA! We also celebrated my 24th birthday while in Key West. The hubby enjoyed the ol "two birds with one stone" mantra due to the timing of our trip. I considered the rental car upgrade to a 2012 Ford Mustang convertible a satisfying enough suprise. I have lots of pictures and videos to share but will not bore you with the details unless you demand otherwise. It was a great vacation and I would encourage anyone to go! Where was your honeymoon location?

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